Monday, September 13, 2010


The character of Oedipus shows us both how men can be strong as well as fragile. Early in the tale, Oedipus seemed strong. He was a leader and he was determined to find the truth because he was sure he could handle it. What happened instead was the realization that his truth was too much to bear. This broke him. I believe that men can be strong but can always be broken. With that said, I think it is also possible for people to regain their strength. My issue with Oedipus is that he didn't choose to regain his strength. When he was finally broken, he chose to submit to that brokenness and not redeem himself. I guess that's what it comes down to - a choice. A person has to choose to be strong or fragile. They can be either but they have to commit to what they want to be and not falter from their decision.

"Let every man in mankind's frailty
Consider his last day; and let none
Presume on his good fortune until he find
Life, at his death, a memory without pain." (Sophocles line 1473-1477)

1 comment:

  1. Is O's choice to submit to his earlier declared punishment for the murderer of Laius (banishment)possibly a choice of strength (as opposed to taking the easy way out and not following the word of law)?
